Join the Exmoor Fungus Group and be part of a passionate community dedicated to studying, recording, and appreciating the incredible fungi of Exmoor. As a member, you'll gain access to all our guided forays throughout the year and receive regular updates via our newsletter.
Membership Benefits
✔ Unlimited access to our guided fungal forays
✔ Stay informed with our members-only newsletter
✔ Connect with like-minded enthusiasts of all experience levels
Membership Fees
Individual Membership – £8.00 per year
Household Membership – £12.00 per year (includes all members of the same household)
Membership Period
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each year.
New members who join between 1st October and 31st December will receive membership for the remainder of the current year plus the entire following year.
Bank Transfer (BACS): Exmoor Fungus Group (Business) Ac 00525767 / Sc 82-19-74
Cheques: Payable to 'Exmoor Fungus Group'. Please send FAO Hadyn Potts, Oare House, Oare, Somerset, EX35 6NX
As part of our commitment to preserving Exmoor’s unique landscape for future generations, £1.00 from every membership will be donated to the CareMoor for Exmoor charity, supporting vital conservation and sustainability projects across the National Park.
By joining us, you’re not only exploring and recording fungi—you’re also giving back to the land that makes our discoveries possible.